New Definitions of Life


We once thought there was a big difference between a rock and a worm because one is living and the other is not.  Though our view of worms has pretty much remained the same, our view of rocks is rapidly changing from that of stagnant, inert matter to something much closer to life itself. Though rocks do...

False Beliefs


There is a myth going around that says it is impossible to answer the question of whether any of the currently worshiped gods actually exist.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  Of course, we can answer this.  Here's how: Everyone knows that we get most of our beliefs from the society we...

Conservative Insanity


Is willful stupidity a sin or is it a sign of mental illness? Conservatives have recently started claiming that their views are not treated equally by the press.  Well duh, maybe that's because those views are so far removed from reality that they are blatantly false.  Who wants to pick up a newspaper and read a headline that says; "Science Got...

The heterosexual myth


Is it possible for some people to only experience attractions towards the opposite sex? Yes.  Anything's possible.  But in this case, it would be highly unlikely and if so fall well within the boundaries of rare or abnormal.  The fact is that most of us fall somewhere within the range of what we currently refer to as bisexual even if...

Natural Sex


So what's wrong with sex and why did we learn as children not to play with ourselves? To answer this question one only needs to pick up a newspaper to find a neverending variety of sensationalized stories about the negative extremes of human sexuality.  In addition to turning us off to the ideas of sex, what this actually says about...

Staying positively connected to the real world


The problem of getting our internal reality to see and appropriately deal with external reality is a constant challenge.  The I we know ourselves to be easily gets blurred by life's challenges and particularly when some of those challenges wind up in failure. We are the composite sum of our past identities.  A child, a teen, a young adult and...

Rebooting reality


As we get caught up in our day to day existence we inevitably lose sight of reality.  We are creatures of habit that tend to easily disconnect from the broader external world through a process of taking the course of least resistance every time we switch to operating on autopilot.  We tend to mistakenly assume we are a salesman or student or...

Keeping it real…


It's easy to get so caught up in our day to day existence that we lose sight of some rather important things.  Though living among our fellow human beings occasionally involves some level of competition to see who gets the prize, there are far more realistic ways of viewing ourselves than identifying with false notions of winners and losers. ...

Heavenly Sex… What’s allowed and what’s forbidden


Before devoting one's life to living in preparation for what might come after, it could make sense to consider a few highly relevant questions about the place where one would spend the rest of eternity.  One example would be, is there sex in heaven? Well, the simple answer is no since there is no heaven.  But let's play an imaginary game...

People who need people


What do Starbucks and tattoo parlors have in common?  They both take advantage of our need for other's acceptance.  Starbucks provides an opportunity and place we can go to show-off by ordering expensive fancy named drinks while tattoo parlors paint us with images some believe will have a positive effect on the way others see us.  It's all about...