Scary religion clubs…


Sharing superstitions with others...  Defining truth by the number of believers.

Who created heaven and hell?


We did.  Concepts of hell arose from the most terrifying experiences our ancestors were capable of fathoming.  Those concepts, like all other ideas humans came up with can always be traced to some elements within the human experience. The idea of hell clearly comes from ideas of volcanic activity beneath the earth that our ancestors were exposed to coupled with...

Indoctrinating superstition onto the next generation.


Though religion may be many things to many people, one of them is not "harmless" especially when it comes to children.  Though many are mystified by why non-theists go out of their way to convince the faithful their religions are false, the fact is that false beliefs are immensely harmful. Imagine for a moment that you are shopping for a...

Turning happy kids into sinners destined for hell.


Though each new generation is tasked with evaluating their parents beliefs and understandings, no generation has ever had the internet to assist them in this task.  Never before have so many old ideas been exposed to so many new ideas that provide better more rational answers about humanity and the world we were born into.  Accepting ideas that are...

Waking-up in a biological computer.


It is very difficult from the perspective of looking out from within to see ourselves for who and what we really are.  What makes this even harder is the fact that our brains are limited by perception constraints that only allow us to perceive something as it relates to something else.  In other words, our brains work at a...

Intelligent optimism vs faith.


There is a big difference between using our intelligence to fathom reasons we have to be optimistic about life on one side, and attempting to derive a positive outlook from faith in stories or myths with little or no rational connection to reality on the other.  Another way to state this would be to say your prospects for happiness...

Does ignorance deserve respect?


Arguments of harm reduction...  e.g. why intervene if ignorance is bliss?  Obligation to challenge ignorance due to the chance it will overtake rationalism if left unchecked.  Ignorance has the power to take us backwards into darker times...  Is religion and superstition a form of ignorance and if so, what is the rational response? Not knowing the truth doesn't make you...

Return to nothingness.


The truth will set you free.

The spirituality experience.


Spirituality is the part of the human psyche that connects our imaginations to suppositions about the world around us.  Such suppositions can be legitimate attempts to fill in unknown puzzle pieces with ideas that might fit provided those ideas have some connection to reality as opposed to wishful thinking.  There is a difference. There is usually an emotional component to...

What scientists say about gods and faith.


Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them. He would not require us to deny sense and reason in physical matters...