Home Idolatry2 Turning happy kids into sinners destined for hell.

Turning happy kids into sinners destined for hell.

Though each new generation is tasked with evaluating their parents beliefs and understandings, no generation has ever had the internet to assist them in this task.  Never before have so many old ideas been exposed to so many new ideas that provide better more rational answers about humanity and the world we were born into.  Accepting ideas that are not in harmony with your parent’s beliefs sets one up for some rather serious family conflicts as parents fight to pass on their cherished beliefs to the next generation and youth struggle to find their own answers.

Focus on negative aspects of having different beliefs than one’s family…

There has been a lot of talk about the positive affects of religion often related to increased lifespans.  But what those highly generalized numbers fail to show is the increasing stress and depression that comes from trying to keep the rational mind at bay in order to maintain faith.  What makes this particularly acute for today’s youth is the fact that it is becoming far more difficult to keep curious minds away from the internet and other sources of information that show the world is in the midst of a major knowledge transformation.  One away from traditional sets of cultural and religious beliefs to one where such beliefs are rapidly changing to better more rational understandings about who and what we really are.  cream of the crop ideas rise to the surface…


TODAY’S YOUTH ARE SMARTER AND MORE RATIONAL THAN ANY OTHER PREVIOUS GENERATION???  Positive article on finding better answers than one’s parents.  The courage to leave family traditions behind for the sake of better ideas.  Better ideas will make the world into a better place.



see:  https://www.upi.com/Depression-rates-among-youth-in-US-higher-than-ever/5111526064121/