Scary religion clubs…

Sharing superstitions with others...  Defining truth by the number of believers.

Who created heaven and hell?

We did.  Concepts of hell arose from the most terrifying experiences our ancestors were capable of fathoming.  Those concepts, like all other ideas humans...

Indoctrinating superstition onto the next generation.

Though religion may be many things to many people, one of them is not "harmless" especially when it comes to children.  Though many are...

Turning happy kids into sinners destined for hell.

Though each new generation is tasked with evaluating their parents beliefs and understandings, no generation has ever had the internet to assist them in...

Waking-up in a biological computer.

It is very difficult from the perspective of looking out from within to see ourselves for who and what we really are.  What makes...

Intelligent optimism vs faith.

There is a big difference between using our intelligence to fathom reasons we have to be optimistic about life on one side, and attempting...

Does ignorance deserve respect?

Arguments of harm reduction...  e.g. why intervene if ignorance is bliss?  Obligation to challenge ignorance due to the chance it will overtake rationalism if...

Return to nothingness.

The truth will set you free.

The spirituality experience.

Spirituality is the part of the human psyche that connects our imaginations to suppositions about the world around us.  Such suppositions can be legitimate...

What scientists say about gods and faith.

Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect...