Home Idolatry2 Greetings fellow travelers…

Greetings fellow travelers…

   Never, throughout the entirety of human history, has the world been filled with so many different stories about where humanity came from and why we are here.  It seems we can thank the internet for that.


Due to circumstances beyond our control you, me and everyone else has been born into the same irrational and confused world.  One just filled with false beliefs and understandings that those who came before us try so hard to convince us are true.  But there can only ever be one truth.  A single truth that clearly says there is no one true religion no matter what anyone’s scripture says.  A single truth that says none of the stories about gods, ghosts, creators and other figments of human imagination are based upon facts or anything that really happened.

Out of all the challenges life throws our way, one is to leave the world a better place than when we entered it.  Life’s too short for all the lies, superstition, idol worship and other nonsense that throws us out of harmony with ourselves and others.  Each of us has a responsibility to confront ignorance wherever we find it, especially when it is openly proclaimed as truth.

What can I say that could ever convey the closeness I feel towards you?  I suspect not wanting to be alone causes us to feel some sense of caring for one another.  We are from the same cloth and experience the same challenge to try and make each day worth living, and ideally better than the day before.

For those of you who have been misled into believing things based upon hope and faith, I have some bad news and good news for you.  No, you’re not going to live forever in heavenly bliss.  But the good news is that while we’re here we can take advantage of the many opportunities to uncover life’s greatest mystery.  What better or more meaningful quest could any of us ever undertake than to know the truth.  The truth about who we really are along with the true meaning of our existence.  To see and confront that truth before we take out final breath is the greatest achievement any of us could ever hope for.  For within that knowledge is the sense of peace and harmony that has the power to finally put our curious minds at rest.

Freedom to be who you really are.

It is my sincere hope that GodlessUniverse can assist you in your search for understandings that finally start to add up and make sense.  Understandings that enable all the puzzle pieces of the world we were born into to begin to fit together into a cohesive whole.  Hopefully you will get a little closer to the truth than I.  Hopefully, you will understand more than I.  Hopefully you will go on to convey what you have learned to others.  And hopefully, you will do so with a sense of humility that no matter how strongly you have come to believe whatever you have learned to believe, future generations will undoubtedly prove you wrong.


My final advice to you my friend is to enjoy the ride and try not to hurt others along the way.  And don’t forget to occasionally glance in the mirror so you can smile back at the wondrous being smiling at you.  Stand proud my fellow traveler and never trust anyone to do your thinking for you.  For you are the only you that will ever exist, and I am the only me.  Together, we will dance into eternity.

O.K…  Let’s get started and see if together we can get closer to the truth.