Home Idolatry2 Streetproofing kids against religion

Streetproofing kids against religion

It’s important for families to talk to their kids about gods.  Not just the gods of one particular faith, but the gods of many faiths so kids can gain a broader insight into what’s really behind all religions.  Children need and deserve our protection from anything that might endanger them including endangering their minds with false information about the reality we were born into.

As adults, we all share a responsibility to protect new generations from the social pitfalls we ourselves were exposed to as children.  No one benefits from seeing themselves as flawed human beings destined for hell unless they agree to give up their rational minds for the sake of ancient fairy tales.

I do not feel comfortable around anyone who claims to have a relationship with imaginary friends in the sky.  Such people have lost my trust because they have willfully chosen to deny reality for the sake of a fantasy that better meets their needs.  I find this ability to disconnect from reality for extended periods very troublesome because it shows a level of unpredictability governed only by whatever fantasies one might come up with.  Such people are no longer under the restraints imposed by reality.  They might believe their god has taken special interest in them because it wants them to do something to prove their love.  When one willingly decides to live their lives seeking the approval of an imaginary friend in the sky, who knows where that might lead.  This is particularly worrying when there is a perceived need to convince others to believe as they do especially when it involves children who have little ability to defend themselves against religious indoctrination especially where it is highly accepted within the society they were born into.

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