Home Idolatry2 Rebooting reality

Rebooting reality

As we get caught up in our day to day existence we inevitably lose sight of reality.  We are creatures of habit that tend to easily disconnect from the broader external world through a process of taking the course of least resistance every time we switch to operating on autopilot.  We tend to mistakenly assume we are a salesman or student or doctor when those social labels pale when compared to far more important realities.  Every now and then, it makes sense to step back and push the reset button that reboots our brains back into reality.

We can do this by remembering that we are a human animal who awoke to find ourselves existing on the surface of a planet that revolves around one of the billions of suns that exist within billions upon billions of universes.  The warmth of the sun or the smell of a rose are wonderful experiences billions of years of evolution has made us capable of enjoying.

It is a remarkable predicament we find ourselves in where each new day is a new and unique opportunity to seek out and find pleasurable experiences that enable us to enjoy life.  Just being here able to walk around beneath the sky and sun is remarkable enough without considering all the somewhat superficial challenges the society around us throws our way.

Yes, it’s true that many of the elements that surround us will snuff out our lives in an instant if given the chance to do so and that we will inevitability lose this ultimate fight.  But not today.  Not today.

Today we will stop and smell the roses.  Today we will smile and enjoy the reality we were born into.

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