Home Idolatry2 Heavenly Sex… What’s allowed and what’s forbidden

Heavenly Sex… What’s allowed and what’s forbidden

Before devoting one’s life to living in preparation for what might come after, it could make sense to consider a few highly relevant questions about the place where one would spend the rest of eternity.  One example would be, is there sex in heaven?

Well, the simple answer is no since there is no heaven.  But let’s play an imaginary game and try and answer this question for an imaginary place in the sky.

Most religions equate sex with sin unless one engages in it within a religiously sanctioned marriage.  That would seem to say that sex would not exist in heaven unless there was marriage which would seem a bit pointless in an eternal world where no one engaged in procreation.  This raises legitimate questions about whether there would even be different genders in heaven since there would be no need to differentiate between males and females.  Or one might ask if souls have gender.

This idea takes us back to the images of gods portrayed by all religions that endows them with a gender that one would suppose must include genitalia that goes with the gender.

As we continue our mind journey into fantasy heavens, one cannot help but stumble upon a rather obvious question.  Why would anyone’s gods have reproductive organs if they had no use for them?

This type of imaginary journey leads us into the absurd where the tale-tale signs of human imagination start to break down.  Though the human imagination is capable of imagining all sorts of things, it is not very good when it comes to tieing up all the lose ends so they form a cohesive whole that adds up and makes sense.  It’s easy to imagine but not so easy to imagine the detail and fidelity that goes with reality.

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